
Aurora cosmetics UAE

8 skincare products may sound like a lot to you, but when broken down, it may make more sense. One won’t work as well with the other. And the other won’t help prevent wrinkles like you want to. I’m a little obsessed with skincare these days. But when you have all the right products, you can maximize your results. After being introduced to Cosmedix in my late 20’s I haven’t really looked back at my terrible skincare habits. I was never washing my face. Maybe in the shower with something from the drugstore. And I wasn’t using any sort of toner, serum or anti-aging products. I would get horribly clogged pores on my forehead and develop small flesh colored bumps in the summer. And in the winter, my pores on my nose would be black and full of dead skin. Not pretty, I promise. Since I’ve been using Cosmedix for a few years, and learning so much more about skincare and ingredients, I feel like I found my other passion. Skincare!  I’ve been saying lately that if I ever needed to quit the blog